If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, the Reading Chiropractor could help.
- Joint pain
- General aches and pains
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Related customer testimonials
Pain is depressing. Chronic pain is soul-destroying. If you're reading this then that probably means you're like I was: you wake up every morning, and it's all downhill from there. Before you even open your eyes you've already lost the battle with your own body. The rest of the day is spent struggling to do the most menial tasks, and you go to bed knowing the pain will keep you awake for hours.Daniel H. (Writer, Reading)
And so, more shattered than ever, you start the cycle all over again.
And it gets you down. You feel depressed, anxious, even angry--like you've lost control of your life to this terrible force that refuses to leave you alone.
But trust me when I tell you: this can change. It really can.
I spent several years in agony, with pain (child induced) in my neck, back, and all the way down my left leg. I spent some days completely crippled, while others were spent begging the world to end. Enough visits to GPs and Royal Berks to make me feel like a hypochondriac invariably ended up with, "Sorry mate, not our problem." Then a friend recommended The Reading Chiropractor.
And right from day one, life's been on the up.
A quick yank here, a slight twist there, and suddenly I'm a different person. For a start, I can actually walk! Which, I've since discovered, is actually rather a useful skill. I can play games with my son, I can shop without needing to use the trolley as a zimmer frame--I can even go around with the vacuum cleaner (but don't tell my wife)!
David is extremely good at what he does. Not only does he give you full confidence that he knows exactly what he's looking for and how to fix it, but he manages to look after you even after you've walked out his door. Exercises and advice are always readily forthcoming, and he's also very good at instilling discipline, making sure you learn to look after yourself and know your own boundaries. Everything about the experience is exceptional.
Without The Reading Chiropractor--from David himself to the lovely ladies on the front desk who do a grand job of making sure everything's running smoothly--I would still be in the hell I'd occupied for the previous four and a half years, and I can only thank David and the ladies for all they've done for me.
The long and the short of all this is: if you're in pain, give The Reading Chiropractor a try. You owe it to yourself.