Knee Pain can be treated with chiropractic care at the Reading Chiropractor

Tennis player holding his kneeIf you are experiencing any of these symptoms, the Reading Chiropractor could help.

Knee pain is a common issue causing pain, discomfort, weakness or stiffness at the knee joint. Chiropractic adjustments and mobilisations can help to improve function and reduce pain.

  • Muscle and joint aches

Muscle and joint aches are characterised by pain and discomfort at or around a joint. Chiropractic adjustments can help restore proper alignment, reducing inflammation resulting in improved mobility and function.

These conditions are caused by cartilage in the joint deteriorating or having been damaged leading to pain, stiffness and a lower range of motion at the joint. A chiropractor can help by using gentle manipulation to improve mobility and reduce pain, as well as providing exercises and stretches to help manage symptoms.

Muscle cramps or spasms are sudden and involuntary contractions of muscles. Chiropractic treatment can help reduce the severity and frequency of such instances through adjustments and soft tissue therapies.

If you are experiencing these symptoms, don't suffer any longer

If you are suffering from these symptoms and would like discuss your treatment options and how we can help, then please contact us on 01189 39 40 40 or alternatively use our contact form.

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Related customer testimonials

I have been receiving treatment from David for the past three years.

David has treated me for the pain from the Arthritis in my knees by way of manipulation to my knee joints.

I feel that David has kept me going these past three years. I find the sessions are therapeutic and David continues to promote positive thinking.

Thanks David
Anne (Retired, Reading)
Just had a session at the Reading Chiropractor for my neck, back and knee. When I came out today I felt a lot better, as I can sit upright in the car and when I got home I could get up and down the stairs much easier and walk better.
Mary F. (Retired, Reading)